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the game is getting there but I think wizard shape is too weak, I think spells are fine maybe little weak with new mana system. It would be good if placing shapes was worth more with wizard. maybe shapes that cost mana but are very strong?


Good point.

We have actually been quite conflicted about this as well.

But if the mage's shapecards are too strong, they would not really seem like a mage, but rather like a warrior.

So, we are trying to add some mechanisms to the mage's form cards so that the enhancements can synergize with the mage's spells.

Who did the pixel art for the cards and characters?

The pixel art in last version made by AI.

And in the lastest version we update our own art design.

My most ridiculous Wizard so far with that sacrifize shape to get intelligence card.

I think someone else has mentioned it but sometimes it just doesn't draw cards and my only option is to pass turn, it's looking great though!


The inventor puppet is waaaaay too strong, once you get one it's all too easy to just generate infinite cards and destroy every enemy on the field in one turn

(1 edit)

Sword feels the most satisfying the giant combos erasing the enemies getting ghost on your swords with a skill and or the one relic that makes out of field counts blasts through the enemies. With puppet master you can empower the turrets it is more fun than the part generator, using the skill to make a turret hit 4 times for 40 or something. You can copy copy skills with the wizard and do endless arcane puppet loops if you got two, the water element is punching way above its weight. Stacking spell crystal puppets so far is the easiest way to play as wizard as they are easy to source in the shape shop.

consistent bugs: cards(non shapes) can get stuck after dragging or playing from hand, game gets stuck on reset in a loop of continue/new game

beat the game for each class, component generator

Game is fun, but on the second boss at the start of the battle it wouldn't draw any cards for some reason, and continued to not have any cards in hand each turn.  Maybe it is because I got a relic for ghost cards on field +1 with no ghost cards in deck?


There still some bugs in the game.
Especially when compex skill kill lots of enemies at same time.

We'll check that ghost card relic.
Thanks for playing and reply.

it seems like a good game but it's to lagy for me to make my judgment


Tetra Dungeon Gameplay

It's fun! Can only get so far with a mouse pad laptop though as you can't rotate the blocks at all.

Really enjoyed the game! Excellent mix of genres and fantastic to understand gameplay! I hope you keep working on it!

Thanks for playing and GREAT video!
We still working on it , focus on the simplification of core gameplay which now look a little bit complex.

Feel free if you've got any ideas!

Quite fun! I liked the variety made possible by different block shapes and base numbers.  Interest was extremely powerful, but that's probably ok; a lot of the relics seem like they can be extremely powerful so maybe that is part of the game's design.

Thanks for playing.
The relics & difficulty curve is quite smooth that player should feel good, and beat the easily.
Have you beat the game? and which class do you like? 

Yes, I beat it the first playthrough.  The only class I played was Samurai, which was fine although the Samurai-only relic I saw seemed pretty bad since it requires you to take damage and I don't think I took any damage in combat after the first half of the first level, and the other one which boosts swords if you only have swords is too much work for a measly one-time +1. I like the combo bonus for the samurai and it isn't too OP since the full-board bonus is even better and has relic support.